Do Cats Miss Their Owners?

Do Cats Miss Their Owners?
As a cat owner, I'm constantly concerned about how my cat behaves when I leave home. Whenever I leave the house, my cat always seems a bit anxious, which makes me wonder: Do cats miss their owners?
Understanding whether cats can sense their absence is vital for pet owners who frequently go out. This not only relates to the emotional needs of cats but also affects their overall health and happiness.

Cats' behavior

Cats are considered solitary animals but also creatures with rich emotional lives. The attention that cats require from humans varies; some enjoy solitude, while others prefer constant company with their human family.

Research support

  • In an experimental study, Edwards et al. observed that cats exhibit clear signs of anxiety and unease when their owner leaves home, especially those usually dependent on their owners.
  • Meanwhile, one study published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association points out that although cats are considered independent animals, they can also form an emotional bond with their owners.
      Cats may demonstrate typical symptoms of separation anxiety after their owner leaves home. These symptoms include excessive grooming, destructive behavior, and persistent meowing.
However, for us loving pet owners, whether or not your cat misses you like a partner, they definitely still crave your love and attention.

What next?

If my cat exhibits these negative emotions, what should I do?
Fortunately, there are some methods to help cats alleviate separation anxiety:

Comfortable Routine:

  • Before leaving, fill your cat's fancy cat bowls, change their water, and clean your modern cat litter box. This can make your cat feel more comfortable and satisfied when left alone for longer periods.
  • Automatic feeders can provide meals at set times, helping cats establish regular eating habits and reduce anxiety.

Enriched Environment:

  • Providing a variety of funny cat toys and climbing structures can enhance your cat’s activity space and offer various forms of entertainment, helping distract them.

Sounds and Scents of Comfort:

  • Play recordings of your voice or leave pieces of your clothing for your cat so they can feel your presence.


  • In a word, changes in the behavior of cats when their owners leave home are complex problems worthy of attention.
      Although cats are generally seen as independent animals, they can form emotional bonds with their owners and exhibit unease and anxiety when their owners leave.
      Understanding these behavioral changes can allow pet owners to take effective measures to alleviate a cat's separation anxiety and enhance its quality of life.
  • Although cats' affection toward their owners is obvious, their reactions may vary. Some might exhibit severe separation anxiety, while others may adjust better.
      Pet owners should select suitable strategies and products based on their cat's individual circumstances to help them cope when their owner is away.
As long as we fulfill our duties as pet owners, it's the greatest act of love for our household felines.


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